b) The relevance of the content. It is essential to write SEO text based on the latest information, which is relevant for today, rather than data 5 years ago.

c) The uniqueness of information. The visitor should understand that before he is indeed a unique text, which he has never met anywhere.

d) Expertise. Writing SEO articles is necessary so that the reader believes in the author's exceptional knowledge in areas to which their topics relate. Also, you need to use statistical data, tables, lists, schemes and other ways of structuring information. Using thematic terminology would be superfluous. But all this should be in moderation, so as not to overload the reader.

A good copywriter should know how to write SEO text so that it can be easily perceived by a potential visitor to a web resource.
To do this, one should not abuse complex sentences, frequent use of highly specialized terms and concepts, write paragraphs more than 4-6 lines.

It is desirable that the total volume of the text does not exceed the requirements for SEO texts about the recommended limits of 2-4 thousand characters without spaces. Although it is not worthwhile to sacrifice useful information for the sake of the optimal size of the article. If the text has an exciting style of writing and exceptional utility, then 5-6 thousand characters are not the limit.

It is also essential to monitor the periodic dilution of the text to the relevant topic of the article with graphics and video content.

Writing SEO texts for a site should not be associated with the process of recording and submitting a uniform dry information. It is recommended to conduct a dialogue with the reader (if appropriate in the context of the topic of the article), which will facilitate its involvement in the material provided.

You need to write SEO text, using the emphasis in italic and boldface font. But contrary to the widespread erroneous opinion, it is necessary to distinguish not the key phrases (which immediately leads the reader to think about the real purpose of the article), but those places in which the critical information is given.

Such allocations should attract attention during a cursory reading and awaken the desire to learn more about the paragraphs in which interesting points are highlighted.

The use of italic font style is appropriate to use to extract from the general text quotations, direct speech, questions to the reader, etc.

Not all copywriters know how to write SEO articles, so they are permanently stored in the memory of the visitor. To do this, you need to use metaphors, comparisons, and turns, where appropriate, to create vivid, memorable images in the imagination of the reader. You can also use the technique of attributing specific actions to things that are not inspired.

The result is obvious
To promote the site, quality SEO articles are critical, as they positively influence behavioral factors and help to build up an essential reference profile. After all, if the information you read is handy and exciting, the hand itself leads the cursor to the area of the button "I like" or "Share."

And how do you evaluate this article? Is it too tight? Is the topic detailed? Please describe your opinion in the comments!
